well its christmas time =D sorry been real busy past few days, holidays, rush work, and uhmm... eating? neways,... few things happend... here it goes
1st, birthday
cant show much pics of my presents too much (lazy to show), but a thank you shout outs
thanks auntie ai hoe for the i pod
thankyu mum and bro for the waffle
thankyu val for the slippers (really useful)and that dinner ^_^
thankyu dad for the cam and another dinner too
thankyu kay jen for the fedora
thankyu russ and HC for dom
thankyu to xw kw gi and mimi for the messenger.... (even tho it looks kinda wrong but its useful)
tahankyu the chins for that hoodie, really useful
thankyu grandmas for angpaus
thankyu ester for that pic haha
thankyu uncle and auntie for the wallet
thankyu cizy KW yuki joanna for the minty =D
thankyu sotong for the puppet really creative haha
2nd penang trip
went up to penang with family and friends, stopped at taiping park, ate at nibong tebal, got lost in some jungle, stayed in a suite, met up with ester and emily, an old old friend, and ate food till i dropped =D here are some pics

3rd NLS christmas dinner
and yeap, i did join my old church's christmas dinner, here are some photos, it was nice meeting them again =D

4th Christmas eve party and evan's birthday
it was special... my mum had a christmas party and it was at my house... which was kinda rare.... so a few family friends came over, and well.... just celebrated christmas and evan's birthday

5th CHRISTMAS! the day we remember Christ came to this earth to die for us,
went to church, hung out with some old friends, went to aunt Teresa's house for a party, it was so good to be able to celebrate Christmas.... christmas itself tells us of a love that was so great and God was born into the world to die for us,... so we can truly live...

well thats all updates i have so far, will update more
new year coming, gonna resign from my company soon to prepare for UK, tru out this val was in macau (the land near Hong Kong with cows in it... thats what my cousin says),